Hiroki reached three weeks of age this week, and while time has gone quickly, being in the hospital for his birth seems long ago. Michiyo and I have been extremely lucky to have her Mom Chieko here; the three of us have delighted in a number of firsts and "big" events, like Hiroki's first bath, fingernail clipping, and walk outside. Writing about these experiences and sharing pictures is something I only could do after becoming a Dad, because if I was younger and having crazy adventures in foreign countries (you know, like way back in 2006), I might think this stuff sounded boring. However, right now, I would rather be doing nothing else. Check out some of the good times from recently:
Not only does Michiyo have an excellent and unique sense of fashion, she revels in finding bargains and thinking ahead.

We have been on the lookout for holiday clothes on sale in the "off" season, and Michiyo found this great pumpkin getup. Yes, this big ol' bag of Hiroki will be brought out again in October, only with newly-cut holes for the legs which Chieko made recently.
Then there's this one:

For a Mom, it seems sometimes like having a baby is like having your own doll to dress up. Michiyo liked this Pooh outfit, but it is too big for Hiroki right now. By the time he is old enough to fit into it, the weather will be warm. Solution? Snap a few pics of him in it, and take it back!

Hiroki's resemblance to either Michiyo or me has not been clear to me yet. This week, I thought that while his face looks Asian, his big brown eyes are from the Fingerhuts.

We saw this pose in a frame at Molly Nahm--err, Kelly's house, so we took a bunch like it. I didn't even notice till now how pink Hiro's feet were/are compared to Michiyo's hands.

We are both serious about our sleep.

I know I am his Dad, but it's hard to think about anything else when this adorably cute baby boy in my arms.
Two words: Soulja Boy

If that means ntohing to you, don't worry, you're not missing anything (trust me!). But if you know what I am referring to, I have taken a few shots of Hiroki with his arms like this.
YOOOOUUUUUUU!!! Crank that Soulja Boy, YOOOOUUUUU!!!
Grandpa Joe, Papa Joe, and Hiro:
My Dad is getting started right away teaching his first grandson the importance of a packed breast pocket.
First Bath
Look at all that hair. Hiroki did very well in the gentle hands of his Mom and Grandma.
These two top my list of Most Beautiful People
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